The History of Science


Charles Robert Darwin was born in 1809 and created the theory of evolution and wrote the book about evolution in 1837. The theory of evolution was greatly frowned upon during the progressive era especially in the classroom because it challenged the always acceptable bible definition of how humans came to be. His theory explained where complex beings came from, how they evolve, and how they are able to adapt to specific environments. Not only was his theory the only thing that made more sense than the bible theory, but it was even supported by solid evidence such as fossil forms, embryology, organs, and much more. Darwin also came up with the difference between humans and animals which was not of kind but degree. Darwin achieved in researching several other areas of science, but his theory of evolution was one of the more important ones. It is important because it guides science and scientists towards the right direction in finding more evidence of the evolution of humans, and what we became of in the first place.


Elmer Samuel Riggs was born on January 23, 1869 and was a paleontologist who discovered the fossil of a Brachiosaurus in Colorado in the early 1900’s. He attended the University of Kansas and graduated with a bachelors and a master’s degree. Immediately after he graduated, he got into the science field and then more specifically in to the field of paleontology. On July 4th of 1900, Riggs and his assistant H. William Menke were working in Colorado when they discovered the first skeleton of the Brachiosaurus, a species of dinosaur related to the Apatosaurus, a giant herbivorous dinosaur known to be from the Jurassic period. These types of discoveries are important for scientists because it allows them to research prehistoric life and even gather information about what the earth was like during those periods in time. The discovery of the very first Brachiosaurus fossils has a great historical connection to Colorado because of course that is where it was found so many years ago.


James Gillingham was born in 1838 and he invented and mastered prosthetics in 1903. After one particular traumatic accident in which a man lost his leg in war, he requested that Gillingham make him a prosthetic leg. He began with legs and then when he mastered the art and skill of prosthetic limbs, he was able to create the road map for more complex limbs such as arms, fingers, and even noses. The very first prosthetic legs were commonly known as “leather legs,” they were durable and reliable, they hardly got worn, and not only were they easy to use, but they were very light even though they could easily support a couple hundred pounds. Keep in mind these were the very first prosthetics ever created so of course they had some slight disadvantages to them like they couldn’t fit all stumps because they were either too long or too short, some of the stumps had open wounds and were vulnerable to disease, and few other complications. The invention of the first prosthetic leg however made it possible for there to be improvements as technology and science became more and more advanced, making it possible for us today to have the kinds of prosthetics we do which are adaptable and can almost be made for anyone.


Orville Wright, born on August 19, 1871 and Wilbur Wright, born on April 16, 1867, commonly known as the Wright brothers, were the inventors of the very first successful airplane on December 17, 1903. The Wright brothers were both aviation pioneers seeking to create the first successful airplane along with take the first successful ride, both of which they succeeded in accomplishing. December 17th was the Wright brothers’ first “heavier-than-air human flight.” Granted, it still had a few major safety and mechanical issues, but once they accomplished this part of their goal, they kept pushing to see their dream come true. After a while, they had their first major breakthrough when they discovered a way to make the airplane effectively steerable and able to maintain equilibrium by the pilot. They called this breakthrough the three-axis control. The invention of the airplane, first of all was very important to the history of America and the whole world because without it, it would be very difficult to travel to faraway places. The Wright brothers having came up with the three-axis control made it possible for all air crafts today to be effective in steering and maintaining equilibrium so that planes, jets and other air crafts don’t go down in flames out of nowhere.


Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 and discovered the famous relativity equation, energy equals mass times the speed of light squared or E=mc^2 in 1905, along with several other theories of mass relativity and quantum physics. Einstein dedicated his life to being a theoretical physicist and had a deep passion for discovering how science related to the world and the universe even. When Einstein first started out as a theoretical physicist, he challenged many existing theories such as Newtonian mechanics and relativity theories. He claimed that they were laws no longer fit for that day and age of science. Instead of fully disregarding current laws and mechanics of physics and relativity, he expanded on them, digging deeper into the theories and expanding on them. Einstein’s discoveries of quantum mechanics, relativity, and all other scientific and mathematical equations have deeply affected America because without those theories, the way we learn and perform math and sciences today wouldn’t make as much sense as they do, they wouldn’t be able to be connected in the ways that they are.


Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 and was an American industrialist and the inventor of the T-Model automobile on October 1, 1908. Ford was not the inventor of the very first automobile, but he was the man who created what was known as the T- Model automobile and also rumored to have invented the assembly line. Ford’s T-Model automobile changed the industry during industrialization, and transportation. He owned his own industry during the period of industrialization called Ford Motor Company and was smart enough to make models of automobiles cheaper and effective for transportation. At the time, Ford was pretty much the perfect and smartest business man owning an industry due to what was called, “Fordism.” The definition of Fordism is: the mass production of inexpensive goods coupled with high wages for workers. Because industrialization was such a horrid time for workers due to the lack of respect, wages, and appreciation they received Fordism created hope for better working conditions, and also effective working conditions. He wasn’t one of the selfish industry owners and in fact dreamed of more peaceful working conditions. Not only did Ford come up with a ground breaking model for automobiles, but he inspired peaceful more fair working conditions and environment. Without his kinds of morals and values, especially in a period like industrialization, it would’ve taken a lot longer for work places and conditions to get better. He inspired having respect for your workers, giving them the amount of wages they deserved, all while producing one of the most effective models of an automobile.

Work Cited

John Van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online ( (Elmer Riggs)
Warren, Derrick, James Gillingham, surgical mechanist & manufacturer of artificial limbs ; Somerset: Somerset Industrial Archaeological Society, 2001. (The Wright Brothers) (Albert Einstein) (Henry Ford)

Science Background Essay during Progressive Era

Science in the Progressive Era

During the Progressive Era, science was a rising topic for the progressives. The Wright Brothers came up with the invention of the first successful airplane. Their big invention was the three “axis control.” It made it possible to control steering easier and keep equilibrium in the air. Henry Ford was an industrialist. He was said to have invented the assembly line. He didn’t invent the car, but made them affordable for the middle class Americans. His model he created was called Model T. Another inventor at this time was Albert Einstein. He had one of the greatest theories called Special Relativity. One quote from him was, “ All uniform motion is relative, and there is no absolute and well -defined state of rest.” Along with the theory, special relativity, he was the creator of the equation, E=mc2. This equation is the equivalence of mass and energy. Albert Graham Bell had a big impact on science during this era. He invented the telephone. This changed how communication was forever because it gave Americans a faster way to talk to people. These inventors impacted America by inventing things to make it easier and faster to live. The progressives at this time had a strong opinion on religion and science. On the science side, was Social Darwinism. Social Darwinism was the theory that everyone came from the same thing and challenged religion by saying it took longer for the Earth to be created. Evolutionism was this theory that contradicted Creationism. Creationism was the belief that God made everything in 7 days so Social Darwinism. Both of these were thoughts that came about during the progressive era that stirred up conflict between science and religion. Progressives rejected the thought of Social Darwinism because that would mean everyone is basically equal but in the progressive era, white people believed that any race besides them were inferior. Science did help the progressives throughout their lives. They were able to use science to back up what they believed in and use it for evidence. Science was the why to everything that gave them more knowledge than what they had before.

Blog Post #7–King Andrew??? or just another dead President???

Mr. Mac's Online Classroom

Andy JacksonHuzzah!!!!  You guys had a great week discussing the historical presidency of King Andrew Jackson.  Now it is time to see what all that hard work has led up to.  Keep in mind that many of your teachers and community members are looking at this blog and I want you to blow them away…again.


This blog is a reflection. I want to hear from YOU! I want to hear from you about the way you feel and your opinions.  I want you to delve deeply into the question.    I want you to look inside yourselves to answer the question.  Give me something good.

You will be graded on content and  writing mechanics.

Blogs need to be posted on your site and commented onto my sight.

You Have till Midnight on Sunday Night to comment on my question and then comment on the answers of at least 2 of your classmates…

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Blog Post #4–Hamilton vs. Jefferson–Whowas better for America?

Hamilton was a Federalist that believed United States would only advance with a strong central government. He had a political strong home in the New England states and had interest in trade and manufacturing. Hamilton i believed looked up to British ways and wanted to be similar to them. This was shown through the National Bank modeled after Britain. He feared that there would be no secured authority without his rules. He claimed that the wealthy and well educated should run the government and focused on efficiency, order, and stability. Jefferson being a Republican had completely different views. He wanted what was best for the people by not having such a strong central government. Jefferson felt that a strong central government would lead to more of an oppressed society because not everyone had a say in things. He distrusted the bankers and cared little about manufacturing. Like Hamilton feared anarchy, Jefferson feared more of tyranny. I believe that Jefferson’s model for today’s American Democracy is better because it still kept a balance in how much authority there was because not every single person had a specific vote in things. It also helped the government so that not the wealthy and most educated people had a say because if that was the case, everything would be run their way and i believe that would create conflict. Wealthy people only want whats best for them not whats best for everyone and Jefferson had good intentions to see everyone’s views and wants to be a better place.

Mr. Mac's Online Classroom

hamjeffHuzzah!!!!  You guys are doing such a good job in class and on the blog, so lets do it again.  Keep in mind that many of your teachers and community members are looking at this blog and I want you to blow them away again.


This blog is a reflection. I want to hear from YOU! I want to hear from you about the way you feel and your opinions.  I want you to delve deeply into the question.    I want you to look inside yourselves to answer the question.  Give me something good.

You will be graded on content and  writing mechanics.

Blogs need to be posted on your site and commented onto my sight.

You Have till Midnight on Sunday Night to comment on my question and then comment on the answers of at least 2 of your classmates comments.  Good Luck.

Blog Post #4

Contrast the Hamiltonian…

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